Car API Error Codes
Travlinq has defined some error codes to indicate the backend errors. The following are car API errors and descriptions for the error.
Note: Error code cannot be fixed, it may be changed. If there is any kind of difficulty in understanding the error code and the description, then please reach us via email with the relevant error log. Our team will attend to those queries asap and assist you.
Code | Description |
ERR-0 | Database Error |
ERR-1 | Schema validation failed |
ERR-3 | Invalid City/country |
ERR-4 | Unauthorized User.. Authentication Failed |
ERR-5 | Invalid data passed in request xml |
ERR-6 | Cancellation data not available |
ERR-7 | Error in cancel request generation |
ERR-8 | Some API Error |
ERR-9 | Invalid Search Id |
ERR-12 | Some Exception occurred |
ERR-14 | Invalid Session |
ERR-15 | Invalid transfer Id |
ERR-16 | Invalid Supplier.. Please check hap for |
ERR-17 | Invalid Search |
ERR-18 | No supplier mapped |
ERR-19 | No Search result found |
ERR-20 | Error in parsing book request xml |
ERR-21 | Error in book response generation |
ERR-22 | Error in search request generation |
ERR-25 | No booking response |
ERR-28 | Error in search response generation |
ERR-30 | Error while adding to memcache |
ERR-31 | Error while getting Customer Details |
ERR-32 | Error while getting Customer Zone Details |
ERR-33 | Error while getting Admin Tax Details |
ERR-34 | Error while getting sub agent pricing model |
ERR-35 | Error while getting admin pricing model |
ERR-37 | Zone not mapped to supplier - |
ERR-38 | No rule map to model ID - |
ERR-39 | Error while getting Exchange rates |
ERR-41 | Number of failed Pricing results are |
ERR-42 | Error while getting HAP code for supplier |
ERR-43 | Error while calling supplier - |
ERR-44 | Error while getting supplier mappings |
ERR-45 | Error while getting search results from MemCache at the time of reprice |
ERR-46 | Error while inserting search result in database |
ERR-47 | Error in reprice response generation |
ERR-48 | Error while getting search results from MemCache at the time of booking |
ERR-62 | Error while doing cancellation |
ERR-63 | Error while doing search |
ERR-64 | Error while doing reprice |
ERR-65 | Error while getting reprice response from supplier |
ERR-67 | Some Error occurred post Booking |
ERR-74 | DB Error while adding shipping info |
ERR-75 | DB Error while adding transaction history info |
ERR-76 | Error in parsing cancellation policy request XML |
ERR-77 | Error while parsing cancellation policy response XML |
ERR-78 | Error while fetching cancellation policy |
ERR-82 | Error in Booking service. Please check request and response data. |
ERR-86 | Some Error response from supplier |
ERR-89 | Error while starting session with supplier |
ERR-90 | Error while ending session with supplier |
ERR-93 | You do not have sufficient credit balance for book. |
ERR-96 | Reflection Error |
ERR-98 | No Product Available |
ERR-101 | Multiple FOP received |
ERR-102 | Error while fetching passenger information |
ERR-116 | Error in pricing |
ERR-134 | Error while fetching details |
ERR-135 | Error in parsing reprice response xml |
ERR-142 | Wrong booking amount or currency |
ERR-147 | Request parser not found. |
ERR-148 | Error wrong booking key |
ERR-172 | Booking Price Change. |
ERR-173 | Error in pre book service. |
ERR-175 | Error in inquiry creation flow. |
ERR-176 | Error in fetching payment details in the doConversion method. |
ERR-177 | Error in transaction insertion in the doConversion method. |
ERR-178 | Error while fetching pricing info. |
ERR-180 | Error in parsing extras response bean xml |
ERR-181 | Error in parsing book response bean xml |
ERR-182 | Error in parsing cancel response bean xml |
ERR-183 | Error while process Refund |
ERR-184 | Error Coupon status invalid |
ERR-185 | Unable to fetch the supplier charges. Please initiate the Refund offline |
ERR-187 | Update Refund Failed |
ERR-188 | Error PAN number is mandatory |
ERR-189 | Error Passport number and expiry date is mandatory |
ERR-190 | Error Tax Details are mandatory |
ERR-204 | Error in supplier pre-book response |
ERR-230 | Required One Of following attribute value ClientReferenceID, BookingKey |
ERR-231 | Invalid pax count in Adults |
ERR-232 | Child age is mismatch in search and booking |
ERR-233 | Error while getting Seat Characteristics |
ERR-236 | No pricing model created or expired |
ERR-242 | Duplicate Booking Request |
ERR-248 | Error while getting cancellation charges response from supplier |
ERR-249 | Error while creating supplier cancellation charges request |
ERR-265 | Fare Mismatch. |
ERR-266 | Number Of passengers during Search and Prov Book mismatch. |
ERR-267 | Offer Id Invalid or Expired. |
ERR-269 | Supplier is not supported for ONHOLD booking. |
ERR-270 | Reissue request data is not valid |
ERR-275 | Unable to find the booking, Please check the booking reference. |
ERR-276 | Your Are Not Authorised to Use This Booking!Booking Done With Different Login. |
ERR-278 | Date selected during search and booking is not matching. |
ERR-284 | Error while decrypting the credit card data.Private key is empty. |