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Car Pre Book (Car Reprice)

- This service method is used to make a provisional booking of the car. This service shows the final price (with price change indicator) for the selected car has changed or not and it is mandatory to call before making a booking call.
- This service must be called before doing the booking confirmation to get the updated total fare of the selected car.

Car Pre Book Request

Tags Attribute Description
carPreBookCriteria (JsonObject)
Unique Key for the car search
Unique Key for the car result

Car Pre Book Request
    "searchKey": "aff2cea4-60c3-405e-b7fe-b69d991a132f",
    "offerId": "aff2cea4-60c3-405e-b7fe-b69d991a132ftravelboutiqueonlinehtr00000000"


Car Pre Book Response

Pre-book (Reprice) response is almost same as the search response,but there two additional attributes are there to indicate the price changes while doing the reprice.

Tags Attribute Description
meta meta
Response status will be return Ex: "true"
Response statusCode will be return Ex: "1"
Response statusMessage will be return Ex: "SUCCESS"
commonData commonData
This tag has the common Data in the response.
Product code of the item being booked,Car-C
searchKey *
A unique search id will be returned in the search response.
data data
A unique offer id will be returned in the search response per each result.This should be used all subsequent API calls for identify user selected result.
isPriceChanged *
This is a boolean tag and it shows whether there is a price change happened while doing he reprice.
vehicleDetails vehicleDetails *

This tag contains the basic pick up and drop off details.
pickUpDateTime *

This attribute contains the date and the time of the pick up.
dropOffDateTime *

This attribute contains the date and the time of the drop off.
arrivalTransfer arrivalTransfer *

This attribute contains the arrival transfer location details.
pickUpLocation *

This attribute contains the pick up location details.
Dubai International Airport Terminal 3,Airport Road D89 Al Garhoud, Dubai International Airport Terminal 3, United Arab Emirates
returnLocation *

This attribute contains the return up location details.
Dubai International Airport Terminal 3,Airport Road D89 Al Garhoud, Dubai International Airport Terminal 3, United Arab Emirates
returnTransfer returnTransfer
This attribute contains the return transfer location details.
This attribute contains the pick up location details.
Dubai International Airport Terminal 3,Airport Road D89 Al Garhoud, Dubai International Airport Terminal 3, United Arab Emirates
This attribute contains the return up location details.
Dubai International Airport Terminal 3,Airport Road D89 Al Garhoud, Dubai International Airport Terminal 3, United Arab Emirates</br?
vehicleInfo vehicleInfo *
This tag contains the vehicle information for the particular car result.
vehMakeModel *
This attribute contains the vehicle model
code *
This attribute contains the car code
model *
This attribute contains the vehicle model
vehClass *
This attribute contains the vehicle class
imageUrl (String) This attribute contains the image url
notes *
Warning details will be added as teh notes in the search response.
guaranteeInd *

This attribute indicates the guaranteed indicator
vehicleTypeInfo vehicleTypeInfo

This tag contains the vehicle type information.

Category of the car.
Category of the car.
doorCount *

Door count of the will be shown here.
arConditioned *

transmissionInfo transmissionInfo *
This attribute indicates transmission information of the car.

This attribute indicates whether this is a manual or automatic car
passengerQuantity *

Number of passengers will be shown here.
Baggage quantity related information will be shown here.
Baggage quantity related information will be shown here.
totalBaggageQuantity *

Baggage quantity related information will be shown here.
prepaid *

This attribute indicates whether this is a pre paid reservation or not.
fuelInfo fuelInfo *

This tag contains the fuel related information of the car.
fuelType *

vehicleRate vehicleRate *

This tag contains the price related information of the relevant car.
vehicleCharge vehicleCharge *

amount *

Amount attribute contains the total fare of the reservation.
oldFare *

This attribute shows the previous total fare before doing the reprice. This attribute available in pre book call only.
currencyCode *
Currency code received
amount *

Amount attribute contains the total fare of the reservation.
This attribute contains the client currency.
taxes taxes
This tag contains all the out put taxes which are included in the total fare.
name *

amount *

This attribute shows whether the tax amount is included in the above total fare amount.
supplierAdditionalFareInfo supplierAdditionalFareInfo(JsonObject) Additional fare information related to supplier
Currency received in supplier response (Buying currency)
Any discount return in supplier response (Currently car suppliers do not return any discount )
Not released yet
Amount received in supplier response (Buying amount)
Any commission amount returned in supplier response (Currently car suppliers do not return any commission value)
Not released yet

Not released yet

Not released yet

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo customerAdditionalFareInfo(JsonObject) Additional fare information related to customer
This attribute contains the transaction fee amount.
Commission amount on tds will be shown here.
Not released yet
This attribute contains the total commission amount.
Total markup amount from pricing rule will be shown here.
Total discount amount from pricing rule will be shown here.
Vat received from pricing model (if vat rule is applied)
GST received from pricing model if applicable-Currently there is no gst component for cars
Not released yet

Not released yet

Not released yet
pricedCoverages pricedCoverages *

Priced coverage tag shows all the inclusions and exclusions.
description *

included *
This attribute shows whether the mentioned fare information is an inclusion or not
financialInfo financialInfo *

supplier *

subSupplierCode (String) Not released yet
payment payment
Not released yet
This tag contains supplier owner name.
tmc - Travel Management Company. Not released yet
Not released yet
Not released yet
vehicleLocationDetails vehicleLocationDetails *

pickUpLocationDetail pickUpLocationDetail *

Pick up location related information will be shown in this tag.
name *
address *

phoneNumber *

locationInfo *

workingHoursDetails workingHoursDetails *

This tag contains the working hours related information.
day *

This attribute contains the working day
openHours *
This attribute contains the working hours - start time
closeHours *
This attribute contains the working hours - end time
dropOffLocationDetail dropOffLocationDetail *

Drop off location related information will be shown in this tag.
name *
address *

phoneNumber *

locationInfo *

workingHoursDetails workingHoursDetails *

This tag contains the working hours related information.
day *

This attribute contains the working day
openHours *
This attribute contains the working hours - start time
closeHours *
This attribute contains the working hours - end time
Car Pre Book Response
  "meta": {
    "success": true,
    "statusCode": "",
    "statusMessage": "",
    "additionalProperties": [
        "key": "timeStamp",
        "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
        "description": "description"
        "key": "serverKey",
        "value": "Server01",
        "description": "description"
    "actionType": "",
    "conversationId": "fe22cb8d-67e9-4c29-92af-e44dffdcb9a9"
  "warnings": [
      "code": "validation_required",
      "documentationUrl": "https:\/\/\/docs\/api\/overview\/errors",
      "message": "Pickup Time' can't be blank",
      "value": "Pickup Time' can't be blank"
  "errors": [
      "code": "validation_required",
      "documentationUrl": "https:\/\/\/docs\/api\/overview\/errors",
      "message": "Field 'PickUpLocation' can't be blank",
      "value": "Field 'PickUpLocation' can't be blank",
      "source": {
        "field": "PickUpLocation",
        "pointer": "\/CarSearchCriteria\/city"
      "title": "Required field",
      "type": "validation_error"
  "commonData": {
    "searchKey": "a3d43ec7-8f6e-45de-b03e-00c6cdac3b8e"
  "data": [
      "offerId": "a3d43ec7-8f6e-45de-b03e-00c6cdac3b8e00007090TTR00000000",
      "priceChanged": true,
      "vehicleDetails": {
        "pickUpDateTime": "2023-04-10T10:00",
        "dropOffDateTime": "2023-04-10T10:00",
        "arrivalTransfer": {
          "pickUpLocation": "DUBAI INT'L AP TERM 3, DUBAI INT'L AIRPORT TEM3, United Arab Emirates",
          "returnLocation": "DUBAI INT'L AP TERM 3, DUBAI INT'L AIRPORT TEM3, United Arab Emirates"
        "returnTransfer": {
          "pickUpLocation": "DUBAI INT'L AP TERM 3, DUBAI INT'L AIRPORT TEM3, United Arab Emirates",
          "returnLocation": "DUBAI INT'L AP TERM 3, DUBAI INT'L AIRPORT TEM3, United Arab Emirates"
        "additionalProperties": [
            "key": "timeStamp",
            "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
            "description": "description"
            "key": "serverKey",
            "value": "Server01",
            "description": "description"
      "vehicleInfo": {
        "vehMakeModel": "B TOYOTA YARIS OR SIMILAR",
        "code": "EDAR",
        "model": "B TOYOTA YARIS OR SIMILAR",
        "vehClass": "economy",
        "imageUrl": "appxtension image ZEAEEDAR999.jpg",
        "notes": "Vehicle rate notes",
        "guaranteeInd": "G",
        "vehicleTypeInfo": {
          "category": "Economy",
          "categoryId": "",
          "doorCount": 4,
          "airConditioned": true,
          "additionalProperties": [
              "key": "timeStamp",
              "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
              "description": "description"
              "key": "serverKey",
              "value": "Server01",
              "description": "description"
        "transmissionInfo": {
          "type": "Automatic",
          "passengerQuantity": 3,
          "smallBaggageQuantity": 2,
          "largeBaggageQuantity": 1,
          "totalBaggageQuantity": 3,
          "prepaid": true,
          "additionalProperties": [
              "key": "timeStamp",
              "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
              "description": "description"
              "key": "serverKey",
              "value": "Server01",
              "description": "description"
        "fuelInfo": {
          "fuelType": "Petrol",
          "excessDetail": "",
          "additionalProperties": [
              "key": "timeStamp",
              "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
              "description": "description"
              "key": "serverKey",
              "value": "Server01",
              "description": "description"
        "vehicleRate": {
          "vehicleCharge": {
            "amount": 340,
            "currencyCode": "AED"
          "taxes": [
              "name": "VAT on NT & TF",
              "amount": 54.45,
              "included": true
          "supplierAdditionalFareInfo": {
            "currency": "AED",
            "discount": 0,
            "publishedFare": 340,
            "commissionEarned": 0,
            "offeredFare": 0,
            "tdsOnCommission": 0,
            "serviceFee": 0,
            "additionalProperties": [
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
          "customerAdditionalFareInfo": {
            "transactionFeeEarned": 0,
            "tdsOnCommission": 0,
            "commissionEarned": 0,
            "markupEarned": 0,
            "discount": 0,
            "vat": 0,
            "cgst": 0,
            "sgst": 0,
            "igst": 0,
            "additionalProperties": [
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
          "additionalProperties": [
              "key": "key1",
              "value": "value1",
              "description": "description"
              "key": "key1",
              "value": "value1",
              "description": "description"
        "pricedCoverages": [
            "description": "LOCATION SERVICE CHARGE:(0.00AED)",
            "included": true,
            "additionalProperties": [
                "key": "timeStamp",
                "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
                "description": "description"
                "key": "serverKey",
                "value": "Server01",
                "description": "description"
        "financialInfo": {
          "tmc": "VE",
          "supplier": "Hertz",
          "subSupplierCode": "NCEPF3141",
          "payment": {
            "paymentTypes": [
            "paymentNetwork": [
          "additionalProperties": [
              "key": "key1",
              "value": "value1",
              "description": "description"
              "key": "key1",
              "value": "value1",
              "description": "description"
        "vehicleLocationDetails": {
          "pickUpLocationDetail": {
            "name": "DUBAI INT'L AIRPORT TEM3",
            "address": "Dubai Hotel",
            "phoneNumber": "+913456789",
            "locationInfo": "",
            "longitude": "55.291822",
            "latitude": "45.291822",
            "workingHoursDetails": [
                "day": "Mon",
                "openHours": "00:01",
                "closeHours": "23:59"
            "additionalProperties": [
                "key": "timeStamp",
                "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
                "description": "description"
                "key": "serverKey",
                "value": "Server01",
                "description": "description"
          "dropOffLocationDetail": {
            "name": "DUBAI INT'L AIRPORT TEM3",
            "address": "Beeches Apartment",
            "phoneNumber": "+91711045678",
            "locationInfo": "",
            "longitude": "25.250688",
            "latitude": "55.291822",
            "workingHoursDetails": [
                "day": "Mon",
                "openHours": "00:01",
                "closeHours": "23:59"
            "additionalProperties": [
                "key": "timeStamp",
                "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
                "description": "description"
                "key": "serverKey",
                "value": "Server01",
                "description": "description"
          "additionalProperties": [
              "key": "timeStamp",
              "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
              "description": "description"
              "key": "serverKey",
              "value": "Server01",
              "description": "description"
