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Flight API Error Codes

Travlinq has defined standard own error codes to indicate the backend errors. The following are flight API errors and descriptions for the error. Note - Error code cannot be fixed, it may be changed. If you are not able to understand Error and its description then you can mail us with an error log, so we can check the issue at our end and give suggestions for the error.

Code Description
ERR-0 Database Error
ERR-1 Schema validation failed
ERR-3 Invalid City/country
ERR-4 Unauthorized User.. Authentication Failed
ERR-6 Cancellation data not available
ERR-7 Error in cancel request generation
ERR-8 Some API Error
ERR-9 Invalid Search Id
ERR-12 Some Exception occurred
ERR-14 Invalid Session
ERR-16 Invalid Supplier.. Please check hap for
ERR-17 Invalid Search
ERR-18 No supplier mapped
ERR-19 No Search result found
ERR-21 Error in book response generation
ERR-22 Error in search request generation
ERR-25 No booking response
ERR-28 Error in search response generation
ERR-30 Error while adding to memcach
ERR-31 Error while getting Customer Details
ERR-32 Error while getting Customer Zone Details
ERR-33 Error while getting Admin Tax Details
ERR-34 Error while getting subagent pricing model
ERR-35 Error while getting admin pricing model
ERR-36 Error while getting PLB Details
ERR-37 Zone not mapped to supplier -
ERR-38 No rule map to model ID -
ERR-39 Error while getting Exchange rates
ERR-40 Error while getting city name from IATA code
ERR-41 Number of failed Pricing results are -
ERR-42 Error while getting HAP code for supplier -
ERR-43 Error while calling supplier -
ERR-44 Error while getting supplier mappings
ERR-45 Error while getting search results from MemCache at the time of reprice
ERR-46 Error while inserting search result in database
ERR-47 Error in reprice response generation
ERR-48 Error while getting search results from MemCache at the time of booking
ERR-49 Error while getting data from database
ERR-50 Error while getting supplier credentials
ERR-51 Error while creating supplier request XML
ERR-52 Error while getting supplier response XML
ERR-53 Error while parsing supplier response XML
ERR-54 Error while creating supplier tax request XML
ERR-55 Error while getting tax details for
ERR-56 Error while getting SSR details for
ERR-57 Error while ticketing for
ERR-58 Error while creating supplier reprice request XML
ERR-59 Error while getting supplier reprice response XML
ERR-60 Error while doing booking for
ERR-61 Error while getting fare rules for
ERR-62 Error while doing cancellation
ERR-63 Error while doing search
ERR-64 Error while doing reprice
ERR-65 Error while getting reprice response from supplier-
ERR-66 Error in updating pg tables
ERR-67 Some Error occurred post Booking
ERR-71 Post Booking Error in Package updates
ERR-72 Post Booking Error in Air updates
ERR-73 Post Booking Error in Price updates
ERR-74 DB Error while adding shipping info
ERR-75 DB Error while adding transaction history info
ERR-76 Error in parsing cancellation policy request XML
ERR-77 Error while parsing cancellation policy response XML
ERR-78 Error while fetching cancellation policy
ERR-82 Error in Booking service. Please check request and response data.
ERR-83 Error while obtaining country list from supplier
ERR-86 Some Error response from supplier
ERR-89 Error while starting session with supplier
ERR-90 Error while ending session with supplier
ERR-91 Adult is not present in PNR. Hence, the respective PNR cannot be fulfilled.
ERR-92 Unable to retrieve the PNR under this PCC. Please check if the PNR is valid and/or the PCC selected is appropriate
ERR-93 You do not have sufficient Credit balance for book.
ERR-96 Reflection Error
ERR-98 No Product Available
ERR-99 PNR already sync in the system
ERR-100 PNR is partially ticketed
ERR-101 Multiple FOP received
ERR-102 Error while fetching passenger information
ERR-103 Error while fetching fare information
ERR-104 Error while fetching segment information
ERR-105 Error agent PCC mapped to multiple customer
ERR-106 Error Agent PCC and Ticketing PCC information mismatch
ERR-107 PNR contains a credit card number that doesn't match with the CCR key in the customer master
ERR-108 Airline is temporarily blocked
ERR-109 Cannot perform PNR sync for this PNR
ERR-111 Galileo Reissued PNR
ERR-112 class type is not updated in the system.
ERR-113 airport is not updated in the system.
ERR-114 Sabre Reissued PNR
ERR-115 Unable to provide the desired result due to an invalid PNR or longer response time from Sabre. Please try again after few minutes.
ERR-116 Error in pricing
ERR-121 No Response found against the request of modify search
ERR-122 Error while stamping new fare in PNR.
ERR-124 Error while deleting new fare in PNR.
ERR-125 PNR is modified
ERR-126 Air Pricing Info mismatch.
ERR-127 Error while voiding tickets after cancellation
ERR-128 Error while voiding tickets
ERR-129 Cancelled PNR
ERR-130 You can not import the PNR, it needs to be sync
ERR-131 You can not sync the PNR, you need to import
ERR-132 Error while doing Split PNR.
ERR-133 Original TST missing/Docs reissued
ERR-134 Error while fetching details
ERR-135 Error in parsing reprice response xml
ERR-136 Error in getting Ancillary details
ERR-137 Error in Pnr Commit service
ERR-138 Error in Pnr Commit request generation
ERR-141 Wrong passanger details in request
ERR-142 Wrong booking amount or currency
ERR-146 Error nationality is mandatory
ERR-147 Request parser not found.
ERR-148 Error wrong booking key
ERR-149 Error in Pnr Commit response parsing
ERR-150 Error in Pnr Retrieve service
ERR-151 Error in Pnr Retrieve request generation
ERR-152 Error in Pnr Retrieve response parsing
ERR-153 Unable to provide the desired result due to an invalid PNR or longer response time from Amadeus. Please try again after few minutes.
ERR-156 Error while stamping SSR in PNR.
ERR-159 Traveler Composition is not supported
ERR-162 Error while getting document details
ERR-172 Booking Price Change.
ERR-173 Error in pre book service.
ERR-174 Error in supplier authentication service.
ERR-175 Error in inquiry creation flow.
ERR-176 Error in fetching payment details in the doConversion method.
ERR-177 Error in transaction insertion in the doConversion method.
ERR-178 Error while fetching pricing info.
ERR-179 Error in parsing search response bean xml
ERR-180 Error in parsing extras response bean xml
ERR-181 Error in parsing book response bean xml
ERR-182 Error in parsing cancel response bean xml
ERR-183 Error while process Refund
ERR-184 Error Coupan status invalid
ERR-185 Unable to fetch the supplier charges. Please initiate the Refund offline
ERR-186 Already Refunded
ERR-187 Update Refund Failed
ERR-188 Error PAN number is mandatory
ERR-189 Error Passport number and expiry date is mandatory
ERR-190 Error Tax Details are mandatory
ERR-191 Error while creating supplier cancellation policy request xml
ERR-192 Error while getting supplier cancellation policy response xml
ERR-193 Error while creating supplier booking cancellation request xml
ERR-194 Error while getting supplier booking cancellation response xml
ERR-195 Supplier required data not found
ERR-196 Error While getting supplier book response
ERR-197 Error while creating supplier book request
ERR-200 Error while creating supplier booking status request
ERR-201 Error while getting supplier booking status response
ERR-202 Error while creating supplier pre-book request
ERR-203 Error while parsing supplier pre-book response
ERR-204 Error in supplier pre-book response
ERR-208 Layover time restrictions applied
ERR-209 No fares available in this PNR
ERR-210 Airline credit limit is exhausted.
ERR-211 Error While parsing reprice response
ERR-212 Error While parsing book response
ERR-213 Error While parsing booking status response
ERR-214 Error pcc timezone is mandatory
ERR-215 Error pcc timezone entry is missing or not valid
ERR-216 Error ttl timezone entry is missing or not valid
ERR-217 Error supplier not implemented
ERR-218 Error not able to retrieve ttl month
ERR-219 Error supplier xml is not valid
ERR-220 Nominal Payment Amount Funds Not Available.
ERR-221 Class Not Available.
ERR-222 Promotional Code Not Applied.
ERR-223 SSR Is Unavailable.
ERR-224 irline should not be same in exclusion and prefered
ERR-225 Error while fetching options.
ERR-227 Invalid number of questions and answers
ERR-228 Response generator not found.
ERR-229 Wrong / Invalid date
ERR-230 Required One Of following attribute value ClientReferenceID, BookingKey
ERR-231 Invalid pax count in Adults
ERR-232 Child age is mismatch in search and booking
ERR-233 Error while getting Seat Characteristics
ERR-234 DOB/PassengerType entered in wrong format, use correct format.
ERR-235 Supplier cancellation charges mismatch
ERR-236 No pricing model created or expired
ERR-241 Airline PNR Missing
ERR-242 Duplicate Booking Request
ERR-247 No Differential Fare Found
ERR-248 Error while getting cancellation charges response from supplier
ERR-249 Error while creating supplier cancellation charges request
ERR-250 Class Not Available.
ERR-251 Promotional Code Not Applied.
ERR-252 SSR Is Unavailable.
ERR-255 Error In Provisional Book Call.
ERR-256 Error In Flight Availability .
ERR-257 Error In PNR Creation.
ERR-258 Error In Ticketing Call.
ERR-265 Fare Mismatch.
ERR-266 Number Of passengers during Search and Prov Book mismatch.
ERR-267 Offer Id Invalid or Expired.
ERR-269 Supplier is not supported for ONHOLD booking.
ERR-270 Reissue request data is not valid
ERR-271 Cancellation is not possible right now, Please contact supplier for offline cancellation
ERR-272 Ancillary data is not valid
ERR-273 Cancellation data is not valid
ERR-274 Ancillaries are not allowed for current booking status.
ERR-275 Unable to find the booking, Please check the booking reference.
ERR-276 Your Are Not Authorised to Use This Booking!Booking Done With Different Login.
ERR-278 Date selected during search and booking is not matching.
ERR-283 Ancillary is not supported.
ERR-284 Error while decrypting the credit card data.Private key is empty.
ERR-286 No profile is associated with the given master id.
ERR-287 Could not decrypt the credit card information.
ERR-288 Not provided enough unique PAN.
ERR-289 Not provided enough unique Passport.
ERR-290 Corporate PAN is mandatory.
ERR-291 Corporate Passport is mandatory.
ERR-292 Duplicate master profile ID found.
ERR-293 Profile type for this master id is not matching with the profile type of the requested profile.
ERR-295 Invalid data on booking request
ERR-296 Error while fetching fare rules.
ERR-297 Error while placing PNR in Queue.
ERR-298 Error while transferring PNR ownership.
ERR-299 Connection refused from suppliers end.
ERR-300 Validation Error
ERR-301 Error in performing ancillary prov book pre-process actions.
ERR-302 This flight does not support fetch More Fare Options.
ERR-303 Failed to fetch More Fare Options.