Flight More Classes
More Classes Search
More Classes search request consists offerId
More Classes Search Request
Tag | Attributes | Description |
offerId | offerId* (Object) |
OfferId can be found from flight search response.This should be same with selected result offerId from search response. It is joined with a "-".tripId-resultId Ex : offerId= AIR03019045-67. |
More Classes Search Response
More Classes Response will be same as Flight Search Response.Following new properties will be added to the details section in more-classes response.
Tags | Attribute | Description |
meta | meta (Object) |
success (String) |
Response status will be return Ex: "true" | |
statusCode (Boolean) |
Response statusCode will be return Ex: "1" | |
statusMessage (String) |
Response statusMessage will be return Ex: "SUCCESS" | |
commonData | commonData (String) |
This tag describes common data section in the response |
productCode* (String) |
Product code of the item being booked,Flight -A | |
searchKey* (String) |
A unique search id will be returned in the search response. | |
data | data (Object) |
Common details for the specific flight should be included here |
offerId * (String) |
A unique offer id will be returned in the search response when selecting this offer for booking.OfferId is a combination of search id and result id. | |
detail | detail (Object) |
Common details for the specific flight should be included here |
ancillaryDetailsAvailable (Boolean) |
This attribute shows whether ancillary details available | |
lcc (Boolean) |
This attribute shows whether fair is low cost carrier | |
apis (Boolean) |
This attribute indicate whether passenger Passport details are required or not during booking flow for the relevant supplier. | |
ndc (Boolean) |
ndc(New Distribution Capability) fare | |
onHoldSupported (Boolean) |
This tag should contain an indicator for holding supports | |
moreFaresAvailable (Boolean) |
This flag will be set to true when more options are available | |
lastTicketDate (String) |
This attribute shows the last ticket date | |
journey | journey ( List) |
Journey information should be included in a list of journey type objects |
flight | flight* (List) |
Segment reference and flight related information should be included. |
flightKey* (String) |
An unique identifier will be added as the flight key | |
stopQuantity (String) |
This attribute indicates total number of stops in Journey 2 |
flightInfo | flightInfo (Object) |
Duration and distance fields are added as the flight information |
duration (String) |
This attribute indicates onward and return duration in days,hours and minutes 1D5H20M. If duration is less than 24h then format is like 5H20M. If duration is less than 24h then Day component will not be available. |
distance | distance (Object) |
This attribute indicates onward and return distance as value and unit pair |
value (String) |
value of the distance Not released yet |
unit (String) |
unit of the distance Not released yet |
segmentReference | segmentReference* (Object) |
This attribute indicates the from to airport details |
onPoint* (String) |
Onpoint IATA code | |
offPoint* (String) |
Off point IATA code | |
flightSegments | flightSegments* (List) |
This attribute indicates all the segment related properties |
segmentKey* (String) |
An unique identifier will be added as the segment key. a590892f-48d0-4c0b-b552-2f00d394a67c |
departureAirportCode * (String) |
This attribute indicates IATA code of flight departure. DXB |
departureDateTime * (String) |
This attribute indicates Flight DepartureDate and Time. 20120417T0940 |
departureTerminal (String) |
Terminal of departing airport 1 or 1 or Terminal1 |
arrivalAirportCode * (String) |
This attribute indicates IATA code of flight arrival. LHR |
arrivalDateTime * (String) |
This attribute indicates flight arrival date and Time. 20120417T0940 |
arrivalTerminal (String) |
Terminal of arrival airport 1 or 1 or Terminal1 |
duration (String) |
This attribute indicates onward and return duration in days,hours and minutes 1D5H20M. If duration is less than 24h then format is like 5H20M. If duration is less than 24h then Day component will not be available. |
flightNumber* (String) |
This attribute indicates your flight number for the particular leg. 0556 |
status (String) |
This attribute indicates the status of the segment. HS,HK |
resBookDesigCode (String) |
This attribute indicates the reservation booking designator C,B |
numberInParty (Integer) |
This attribute indicates the number of passengers 2 |
operatingAirline (String) |
This attribute indicates the operating airline. BA |
marketingAirline * (String) |
This attribute indicates the marketing airline GF |
fareBasis (String) |
Shows the leg wise fare basis | |
equipmentType (String) |
baggageAllowance | baggageAllowance (Object) |
Baggage allowance for the particular flight |
carryOnBaggage | carryOnBaggage (Object) |
Carry on baggage descriptions |
paxType (String) |
Pax type related to the baggage type. |
value (String) |
Value of the particular baggage. |
unit (String) |
Number of units. |
description (String) |
Baggage description |
checkedInBaggage | checkedInBaggage (Object) |
Checked in baggage description |
paxType (String) |
Pax type related to the baggage type. Pax type code. ADT,CHD,INF |
value (String) |
Value of the particular baggage's | |
unit (String) |
Number of units | |
description (String) |
Baggage description | |
flightServices | flightServices (List) |
flightService | flightService (Object) |
name (String) |
code (String) |
flightRatings | noOfObservations (String) |
Not released yet |
onTimeObservations (String) |
Not released yet | |
late30observations (String) |
Not released yet | |
flightsCancelled (String) |
Not released yet | |
onTimePercentage (String) |
Not released yet | |
delayObservations (String) |
Not released yet | |
meanDelay (String) |
Not released yet | |
onTimePercentile (String) |
Not released yet | |
onTimeStars (String) |
Not released yet | |
delayStars (String) |
Not released yet | |
overallStars (String) |
Not released yet | |
moreClasses | moreClasses (List) |
This tag contains more available classes |
cabinClass | cabinClass (String) |
This tag contains cabin class name or ALL |
availableClasses | availableClasses (List) |
This tag contains available classes for the cabin |
availableClass (String) |
This tag contains ava | |
availabilityStatus (String) |
This tag contains available class status | |
financialInfo | financialInfo (Object) |
Financial info related to the particular search result |
tmc | This tag contains supplier owner name. tmc - Travel Management Company. Eg: VE |
supplier | This tag contains the supplier name. | |
subSupplierCode | This tag contains the supplier pcc | |
payment | payment (Object) |
paymentTypes (List) |
This attribute indicates the payment types.Ex: CARD,CR |
paymentNetwork (List) |
This attribute indicates the payment network. "CA","VI", "AX" |
fare | fare* (Object) |
Total fare information for the search result |
fareKey* (String) |
An unique identifier will be added as the fare key. a590892f-48d0-4c0b-b552-2f00d394a69c |
currencyCode (String) |
Fare currency code | |
fareType | fareType (Object) |
fareCode (String) |
farePreference (String) |
Fare preference number added as the fare preference 759,70G |
oid (String) |
Office id 06FC |
refundable (String) |
refundable fare indicator | |
baseFare (Double) |
Total fare for all pax types. 20054.45 |
totalTax (Double) |
An unique identifier will be added as the segment key. a590892f-48d0-4c0b-b552-2f00d394a67c |
totalFare (Double) |
Total fare for the search | |
platingAirlineCode (String) |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | supplierAdditionalFareInfo (Object) |
Supplier fare attributes. Not released yet |
currency (String) |
Not released yet | |
discount (Double) |
Not released yet | |
publishedFare (Double) |
Not released yet | |
commissionEarned (Double) |
Not released yet | |
plbearned (Double) |
Not released yet | |
offeredFare (Double) |
Not released yet | |
tdsOnCommission (Double) |
Not released yet | |
tdsOnPlb (Double) |
Not released yet | |
tdsOnIncentive (Double) |
Not released yet | |
serviceFee (Double) |
Not released yet | |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | customerAdditionalFareInfo (Object) |
Customer Additional Fare Info at fare level |
transactionFeeEarned (Double) |
commissionEarned (Double) |
markupEarned (Double) |
plbearned (Double) |
incentiveEarned (Double) |
discount (Double) |
tdsOnIncentive (Double) |
Not released yet |
vat (Double) |
Not released yet | |
cgst (Double) |
Not released yet | |
sgst (Double) |
Not released yet | |
igst (Double) |
Not released yet | |
fareBreakdown | fareBreakdown (Object) |
fareBreakdownKey * (String) |
An unique identifier is set as fare break down key. | |
passengerKey | passengerKey* (List) |
Associated passenger key |
fareType (String) |
Fare type of the result. Normal/Corporate.Private |
fareReference | fareReference (Object) |
This attribute indicates the Fare basis code |
fareBasis (String) |
FareBasis for the result | |
segmentKey * (String) |
An unique identifier is set as fare key. | |
paxType (String) |
paxRate | paxRate (String) |
Pax rates of the specific result. |
baseFare * (Double) |
pax wise fares are shown here | |
totalTax (Double) |
pax wise fares are shown here | |
totalFare * (Double) |
pax wise fares are shown here | |
taxes | taxes (List) |
Passenger type wise tax records list |
taxCode (String) |
This tag indicates the tax code | |
amount (Double) |
This tag indicates the tax amount | |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | supplierAdditionalFareInfo (Object) |
Not released yet |
discount (Double) |
Not released yet | |
publishedFare (Double) |
Not released yet | |
commissionEarned (Double) |
Not released yet | |
plbearned (Double) |
Not released yet | |
incentiveEarned (Double) |
Not released yet | |
tdsOnCommission (Double) |
Not released yet | |
tdsOnPlb (Double) |
Not released yet | |
tdsOnIncentive (Double) |
Not released yet | |
serviceFee (Double) |
Not released yet | |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | customerAdditionalFareInfo (Object) |
Customer Additional Fare Info at fare breakdown level |
transactionFeeEarned (Double) |
commissionEarned (Double) |
markupEarned (Double) |
plbearned (Double) |
incentiveEarned (Double) |
discount (Double) |
tdsOnIncentive (Double) |
vat (Double) |
Not released yet | |
cgst (Double) |
Not released yet | |
sgst (Double) |
Not released yet | |
igst (Double) |
Not released yet |
More Classes response | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 |