Hotel Book
Few attributes in below sample response are supplier specific, hence there can be possibility these attributes will not appear in the response. We recommend you to parse these fields as mentioned in the sample responses.
- This service method is used to confirm a hotel selected room booking.
The ClientReference should be unique for all the bookings. You can provide your booking reference number in ClientReference tag as well.
The MiddleName should be passed if pan is mandatory in Hotel room service.Passenger name and pan number should be matching with pan card details.
Hotel Book Request
Tags | Attribute | Description |
HotelBookingCriteria | (JsonObject) | |
searchKey* (String) |
Unique Key for the search .This should be taken from Hotel search response | |
clientReference* (String) |
Unique Key for client reference .This should be unique for all bookings. | |
bookingKey* (String) |
Unique Key for the booking | |
hotelKey* (String) |
Unique Key for Hotels ,This should be taken from Hotel search response | |
totalNet* (Double) |
Total booking amount | |
currency* (String) |
selling currency | |
culture* (String) |
language | |
stayDateRange | (JsonObject) | |
checkIn* (String) |
checkin Date | |
checkOut* (String) |
checkout date | |
Hotel | (JsonObject) | |
rooms | (JsonArray) | |
room | (JsonObject) | |
roomIndex* (String) |
this attribute represents the room number.This should be taken from Hotel search response | |
roomKey* (String) |
unique key for the room .This should be taken from Hotel search response | |
passengers | (JsonObject) | |
passenger | (JsonArray) | |
passengerKey* (String) |
this is the unique key for the passenger | |
isLead* (Boolean) |
true if for the lead passenger | |
ptc* (String) |
passenger type (ADT for adult,CHD for child) | |
mealPreference (String) |
passenger's meal preference | |
passengerInfo | (JsonArray) | |
givenName* (String) |
first name | |
middleName* (String) |
middle name should be passed if pan is mandatory in Hotel room service | |
surName* (String) |
surname | |
gender* (String) |
gender | |
nameTitle* (String) |
salutation Eg(mr,ms) | |
birthday* (String) |
passenger's birthdate | |
contact | (JsonArray) | |
postalAddress | (JsonObject) | |
label (String) |
label Not released yet |
street (String) |
street name Not released yet |
postalCode (String) |
postal code Not released yet |
cityName (String) |
city name Not released yet |
countryCode (String) |
country code Not released yet |
contactsProvided | (JsonArray) | Supports only for a single contact provide |
contactsProvided | (JsonObject) | |
emailAddress* (listOfString) |
email address - supports only for a single email id | |
phone | (JsonObject) | |
label (String) |
label Not released yet |
phoneNumber * (String) |
phone number | |
areaCode * (String) |
area code | |
loyaltyProgramAccount | (JsonObject) | |
accountNumber (String) |
account number Not released yet |
dateOfIssue (String) |
date of issue Not released yet |
placeOfIssue (String) |
place of issue Not released yet |
expDate (String) |
expiry date Not released yet |
identityDocument | (JsonObject) | |
idType (String) |
identification type (PAN,PASSPORT) are the supported types | |
idDocumentNumber (String) |
id number | |
isCorporatePAN (String) |
(only for PAN type) - if it is a corporate PAN | |
issuingCountryCode (String) |
country of issue | |
applicableCountry (String) |
applicable country Not released yet |
placeOfBirth (String) |
birth place Not released yet |
dateOfIssue (String) |
issue date | |
residenceCountryCode (String) |
residence country Not released yet |
expiryDate (String) |
expiry date | |
hotelRequests | (JsonObject) | |
ssr | (JsonArray) | |
text (String) |
special service requests | |
taxDetails | (JsonObject) | |
taxName (String) |
Tax name | |
regNo (String) |
Register number | |
companyName (String) |
Company name | |
emailAddress (String) |
Email address | |
phoneNo (String) |
Phone number | |
address (String) |
Address | |
paymentDetails | paymentDetails * (Object) |
paymentMode * (String) |
payment mode (only CREDIT_CODE payment mode is supported) | |
cardInfo (String) | .This is compulsory only when payment type is CC. | |
hotel book request | |
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Hotel Book Response
Tags | Attribute | Description |
meta | meta (Object) |
success (Boolean) |
statusCode (String) |
statusMessage (String) |
actionType (String) |
This attribute will indicate that client request type such as Hotel search , Prov book and Book etc... . This is for information purpose. | |
conversationId (String) |
conversationId a unique identifier of current conversation . | |
commonData | (JsonObject) | |
commonData | searchKey* (String) |
unique search key. |
commonData | productCode* (String) |
Product code for hotels - H |
commonData | culture* (String) |
en |
data | (JsonArray) | This encloses hotel information. |
data | bookingReferenceId* (String) |
This attribute contains the unique booking reference id. |
data | clientReference * (String) |
This attribute contains the client reference id. |
data | supplierReferenceId * (String) |
This attribute contains the supplier ReferenceId. |
data | bookingStatus* (String) |
1. CONFIRMED and VOUCHERED then booking is successfully done on supplier side 2. ON REQUEST and IN PROGRESS then please check Booking Failure Handling 3. NOT AVAILABLE then booking is failed on supplier side. |
data | transactionDate* (String) |
Date of which the transaction has been placed. |
hotel | name* (String) |
This attribute contains hotel name. |
totalNet* (String) |
This attribute contains selling price. | |
currency* (String) |
This attribute contains currency of booking price. | |
hotelKey* (String) |
This attribute contains a unique hotel id. | |
checkInDate* (String) |
This attribute contains the check-in date. | |
checkoutDate* (String) |
This attribute contains the check-out date. | |
rooms | (JsonArray)* | This encloses room information |
room | (JsonObject) | |
room | roomKey* (String) |
This attribute contains the room's unique id. |
room | roomIndex* (String) |
represents the room number |
room | roomId* (String) |
This attribute contains the room id. |
room | ruleInfo (String) |
This attribute contains data for room rules. 38 |
room | roomTypeName * (String) |
Room type Eg: Deluxe Room |
room | standardizedRoomName (String) |
Standard room name provided by hotel content solution provider (CSP). This tag will only come if any Hotel CSP enabled. |
room | roomTypeDesc * (String) |
Room type description |
room | bedType (String) |
bed type provided in the room Eg: Double |
room | roomView (String) |
room view description Eg: mountain view |
room | maxOccupancy (Integer) |
Max occupancy of a room. |
room | sizeMeasurement (String) |
size of the room. |
room | rateNotes (String) |
Eg: please Note That Three Bedroom Residence is Located In The Residence Building |
passengerMandatoryData | (JsonObject) | |
isEmailId (Boolean) |
If the value of the attribute is true then send email id details in the booking request Not released yet |
isPAN (Boolean) |
If the value of the attribute is true then send pan details in the booking request. Not released yet |
isPassport (Boolean) |
If the value of the attribute is true then send passport details in the booking request. Not released yet |
isPhoneNo (Boolean) |
If the value of the attribute is true then send phone number details in the booking request. Not released yet |
ratePlan | (JsonObject) * | |
ratePlan | supplierCode * (String) |
ratePlan | meal * (String) |
Meal plan |
ratePlan | standardizedMeal (String) |
Standard meal plan provided by hotel content solution provider (CSP). This tag will only come if any Hotel CSP enabled. |
ratePlan | availableStatus * (String) |
availability status of the room |
ratePlan | cancelPolicyIndicator (String) |
The cancel policy indicators Eg: refundable |
ratePlan | code * (String) |
This attribute contains the room contract details |
ratePlan | isPackage (String) |
Shows if the room rate is a package. |
ratePlan | fixedCombo * (Boolean) |
Shows room selection is combined or flexible. |
ratePlan | combinePolicy * (Boolean) |
Shows if cancellation policy is combined or roomwise. |
ratePlan | inclusions (String) |
Room inclusion details Eg: ["Free Wifi", "Free pool"] |
ratePlan | rateType (String) |
Contains rate type Eg: Retail/Corporate |
ratePlan | gstAssured (Boolean) |
This indicated that available room hotel is GST assured and you can make request for GST invoices |
ratePlan | lastCancellationDate (Date) |
Indicates last cancellation date |
roomRate | (JsonObject) | |
roomRate | currency* (String) |
Contains selling currency room price |
roomRate | netAmount* (Double) |
Selling price of a room. |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | (JsonObject) | Not released yet |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | currency (String) |
Not released yet |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | discount (Double) |
Not released yet |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | publishedFare (Double) |
Not released yet |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | commissionEarned (Double) |
Not released yet |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | offeredFare (Double) |
Not released yet |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | tdsOnCommission (Double) |
Not released yet |
supplierAdditionalFareInfo | serviceFee (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | (JsonObject) | Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | transactionFeeEarned (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | tdsOnCommission (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | commissionEarned (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | markupEarned (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | discount (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | vat (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | cgst (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | sgst (Double) |
Not released yet |
customerAdditionalFareInfo | igst (Double) |
Not released yet |
taxes | (JsonArray) | |
tax | (JsonObject) | |
tax | name (String) |
Tax name Not released yet |
tax | amount (Double) |
Tax amount Not released yet |
tax | included (Boolean) |
Shows if the tax is included in the room rate or not. Not released yet |
rates | (JsonArray) * | |
rate | (JsonObject) | |
rate | name * (String) |
Name of the rate Eg: daily rates Not released yet |
rate | amount * (String) |
Rate amount Not released yet |
rate | from * (Date) |
Start date of room rate. Not released yet |
rate | to * (Date) |
End date of room rate. Not released yet |
rate | rateIndex * (String) |
Rate number Not released yet |
offers | (JsonArray) | |
offer | (JsonObject) | |
offer | code (String) |
Offer Code |
offer | name (String) |
Offer name |
offer | from (Date) |
Start date from that date offer will apply |
offer | to (Date) |
End date where the offer will expire |
offer | amount (Double) |
Offer amount |
offer | included (Boolean) |
indicate that the offer is applied or not |
supplements | (JsonArray) | |
supplement | (JsonObject) | |
supplement | supplementKey (String) |
Supplement key |
supplement | type (String) |
Supplement Type |
supplement | name (String) |
Supplement name |
supplement | from (Date) |
Start date from that date supplement will apply |
supplement | to (Date) |
End date that the supplement will expire |
supplement | amount (Double) |
supplement charges |
supplement | included (Boolean) |
indicate that the supplement is applied or not to given room |
supplement | currency (String) |
supplement charges currency |
financialInfo | (JsonObject) | |
financialInfo | tmc (String) |
This tag contains supplier owner name. tmc - Travel Management Company. Eg: VE |
financialInfo | supplier (String) |
Name of the supplier |
payment | (JsonObject) | |
payment | paymentTypes (String) |
Payment types Eg: CARD,CR |
payment | paymentNetwork (String) |
Payment Network Codes Not released yet |
passengers | (JsonArray) | This encloses passenger information. Not released yet |
passenger | (JsonObject) | This encloses passenger information. Not released yet |
passengerKey (String) |
passenger key |
isLead (String) |
true if the lead passenger Codes Not released yet |
ptc (String) |
passenger type (ADT for adult,CHD for child) | |
roomIndex (Integer) |
This attribute represents the room number |
roomKey (String) |
unique key for the room |
passengerInfo | birthDate (String) |
birthdate of the passenger |
gender (String) |
gender of the passenger |
nameTitle (String) |
salutation (Mr., Ms,) |
givenName (String) |
first name |
middleName (String) |
middle name |
surName (String) |
last name |
loyaltyProgramAccount | (String) |
This encloses loyalty information Not released yet |
accountNumber (String) |
account number Not released yet |
providerName (String) |
provider name Not released yet |
tierCode (String) |
tier code Not released yet |
programName (String) |
program name Not released yet |
identityDocument | (JsonObject) |
This encloses identity documents Not released yet |
idType (String) |
id type (PAN, PASSPORT) Not released yet |
issuingCountryCode (String) |
issuing country Not released yet |
applicableCountry (String) |
applicable country Not released yet |
placeOfBirth (String) |
place of birth Not released yet |
dateOfIssue (String) |
date of issue Not released yet |
residenceCountryCode (String) |
residence country code Not released yet |
expiryDate (String) |
expiry date Not released yet |
Contact | (JsonObject) |
This tag encloses contact |
PostalAddress | label (JsonObject) |
Not released yet</span |
street (String) |
Not released yet</span | |
postalCode (String) |
Not released yet</span | |
cityName (String) |
Not released yet</span | |
countryCode (String) |
Not released yet</span | |
contactsProvided (String) |
emailAddress (String) |
Phone | (JsonObject) |
label (String) |
countryCode (String) |
phoneNumber (String) |
hotelRequests | (JsonObject) |
ssr (StringArray) |
voucherDocuments | (JsonObject) |
This tag encloses the voucher specific information of booking.This information is needed to show on voucher. |
hotelConfirmationNumber (String) |
Most of the cases this will be available only for Booking retrieve call. | |
status (String) |
roomBookingInfo | (JsonObject) |
roomIndex (String) |
status (String) |
essentialNotes | (JsonObject) |
This tag encloses the remark for room. This is mandatory information which must be displayed to the end user before booking and voucher also. |
name (String) |
isMandatory (String) |
description (String) |
hotel book response | |
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