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Get Hotel Details

Few attributes in below sample response are supplier specific, hence there can be possibility these attributes will not appear in the response. We recommend you to parse these fields as mentioned in the sample responses.

  • This service method is used to request for Hotel static/descriptive information (hotel details) based sessionID, searchKey and hotelKey.
  • Hotel Detail Response consist of the Hotel description, location, hotel images, facilities and other basic details of the hotel.

Hotel Detail Request

Tags Attribute Description
HotelDetailsCriteria (JsonObject)
Unique Key for each Hotel. This should be taken from Hotel search response
Unique Key for the search

hotel detail request
    "hotelKey": "fb0920a8-70b8-433a-a8e2-a8e32efeae5640HTR00000000",
    "searchKey": "fb0920a8-70b8-433a-a8e2-a8e32efeae56",
    "culture": "en"

Hotel Detail Response

Tags Attribute Description
meta meta
Response status will be return Ex: "true"
Response statusCode will be return Ex: "1"
Response statusMessage will be return Ex: "SUCCESS"
This attribute will indicate that client request type such as Hotel search , Prov book and Book etc... . This is for information purpose.
conversationId a unique identifier of current conversation .
commonData searchKey*
This attribute contains a unique search key.
data hotelKey*
This attribute contains a unique hotel id.
data name*
Hotel Name
data description
Hotel Description
data starRating
Hotel Star rating
data address
Hotel Address
data postalCode
Hotel postal code
data city*
Hotel city
data country*
Hotel country
data latitude
Hotel latitude value
data longitude
Hotel longitude value
data location
Hotel location
data locationDesc
Hotel location description
data map
Hotel map
data phoneNumber
Hotel phone number
data email
Hotel email
data website
Hotel website url
data checkInTime
Hotel room check-in Time
data checkOutTime
Hotel room check-out Time
data childPolicy
Hotel child policy
data currency
Selling currency of room price
data userRating
Hotel user rating
roomFacilities (JsonArray) List of room facilities
roomFacility (JsonObject)
roomFacility type
Room facility type EG:services
Not released yet
roomFacility name
Room facility name
roomFacility description
Room facility description
Not released yet
hotelFacilities (JsonArray) List of room facilities
hotelFacility (JsonObject)
hotelFacility type
Hotel facility type
hotelFacility name
Hotel facility name
hotelFacility description
Hotel facility description
Not released yet
nearbyAreas (JsonArray) List of near by areas
nearbyArea (JsonObject)
nearbyArea name
Name of nearby area
nearbyArea distance
distance from hotel
Not released yet
nearbyArea description
Description of the nearby area
Not released yet
userReviews (JsonArray) List of User ratings
userReview (JsonObject)
userReview userRating
User rating
userReview firstName
User first name
userReview lastName
User last name
userReview description
User rating description
images (JsonArray) List of Images
image (JsonObject)
image path
image url
image order
image order
image type
image type
image description
image description

hotel detail response
  "meta": {
    "success": true,
    "statusCode": "",
    "statusMessage": "",
    "additionalProperties": [
        "key": "timeStamp",
        "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
        "description": "description"
        "key": "serverKey",
        "value": "Server01",
        "description": "description"
    "actionType": "",
    "conversationId": "fe22cb8d-67e9-4c29-92af-e44dffdcb9a9"
  "warning": [
      "code": "validation_required",
      "documentationUrl": "api-doc/docs/troubleshoot/api-error-codes/index.html",
      "message": "Check In Time' can't be blank",
      "value": "Check In Time might be changed"
  "errors": [
      "code": "validation_required",
      "documentationUrl": "api-doc/docs/troubleshoot/api-error-codes/index.html",
      "message": "Field ‘hotelKey’ can't be blank",
      "value": "Field ‘hotelKey’ can't be blank",
      "source": {
        "field": "HotelDetailCriteria",
        "pointer": "/HotelDetailCriteria/hotelKey"
      "title": "Required field",
      "type": "validation_error"
  "commonData": {
    "searchKey": "260d6c37-ab74-4331-9fdc-a9d42a5b55a6",
    "culture": "en"
  "data": {
    "hotelKey": "fb0920a8-70b8-433a-a8e2-a8e32efeae5640htr00000000",
    "name": "summitHotel",
    "description": "located In The Deira District.",
    "starRating": "4",
    "userRating": "4.0",
    "address": "34BStreet,AlRiggaRoad,Deira,Dubai",
    "postalCode": "64264",
    "city": "",
    "country": "",
    "latitude": "",
    "longitude": "",
    "email": "",
    "website": "",
    "location": "",
    "locationDesc": "locatedInTheDeiraDiom.",
    "map": "google map url",
    "phoneNumber": "2341116",
    "checkInTime": "",
    "checkOutTime": "",
    "childPolicy": "",
    "currency": "",
    "roomFacilities": [
        "type": "services",
        "name": "shower",
        "description": "shower"
        "type": "services",
        "name": "smokingPolicy",
        "description": "smokingPolicy"
    "hotelFacilities": [
        "type": "services",
        "name": "shower",
        "description": "shower"
    "nearbyAreas": [
        "name": "miraRoadEast",
        "distance": "",
        "desc": ""
    "userReviews": [
        "userRating": "5.0",
        "firstName": "bharat",
        "lastName": "chaudhari",
        "desc": "excellentRooms,ServiceAndCooperativeStaffNiceOneExperience"
        "userRating": "2.0",
        "firstName": "sameer",
        "lastName": "khan",
        "desc": ""
    "images": [
        "path": "",
        "order": "0",
        "type": "path",
        "description": ""
        "path": "",
        "order": "1",
        "type": "path",
        "description": ""
    "additionalProperties": [
        "key": "key1",
        "value": "value1",
        "description": "description"
        "key": "key1",
        "value": "value1",
        "description": "description"