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Get More Rooms

Few attributes in below sample response are supplier specific, hence there can be possibility these attributes will not appear in the response. We recommend you to parse these fields as mentioned in the sample responses.

  • This service method is used to request all available rooms information for the hotel(All rooms options available in the hotel) based on sessionId, searchKey and hotelKey.
  • These rooms can be selected for booking based on specified room selection rules.
  • In case of multiple room bookings, room selection rules will help in selecting the correct room option(s).
  • There are cases where you can’t freely select any room option from multiple room booking and for that room selection rules must be followed else booking may fail.

Note - Room details (attributes - bedType, roomView, maxOccupancy, sizeMeasurement) provided in this service will be provided if it is available.

Hotel More Room Request

Tags Attribute Description
HotelMoreRoomCriteria (JsonObject)
Unique Key for each Hotel. This should be taken from Hotel search response
Unique Key for the search

hotel more room request
    "hotelKey": "fb0920a8-70b8-433a-a8e2-a8e32efeae5640HTR00000000",
    "searchKey": "fb0920a8-70b8-433a-a8e2-a8e32efeae56",
    "culture": "en"

Hotel More Room Response

Tags Attribute Description
meta meta
Response status will be return Ex: "true"
Response statusCode will be return Ex: "1"
Response statusMessage will be return Ex: "SUCCESS"
This attribute will indicate that client request type such as Hotel search , Prov book and Book etc... . This is for information purpose.
conversationId a unique identifier of current conversation .
commonData searchKey*
This attribute contains a unique search key.
commonData productCode*
Product code for hotels - H
commonData culture*
data hotels(JsonArray) This encloses hotel information.
data hotelKey*
This attribute contains a unique hotel id.
This tag encloses the multiple rules for room selection.
rooms (JsonArray)* This encloses room information
room (JsonObject)
room roomKey*
This attribute contains the room's unique id.
room roomIndex*
represents the room number
room roomId*
This attribute contains the room id.
room ruleInfo
This attribute contains data for room rules.
room roomTypeName *
Room type Eg: Deluxe Room
room roomTypeDesc *
Room type description
room bedType
bed type provided in the room Eg: Double
room roomView
room view description Eg: mountain view
room maxOccupancy
Max occupancy of a room.
room sizeMeasurement
size of the room.
room rateNotes
Eg: please Note That Three Bedroom Residence is Located In The Residence Building
(This information is very important)
passengerData (JsonObject)
passengerData isEmailId
If the value of the attribute is true then send email id details in the booking request
passengerData isPAN
If the value of the attribute is true then send pan details in the booking request.
passengerData isPassport
If the value of the attribute is true then send passport details in the booking request.
passengerData isPhoneNo
If the value of the attribute is true then send phone number details in the booking request.
roomImages (JsonObject)
images (JsonArray)
image (JsonObject)
image order
Image order number
image type
Image type
image description
Image description
image path
image file URL.
ratePlan (JsonObject) *
ratePlan supplierCode *
ratePlan meal *
Meal plan
ratePlan availableStatus *
availability status of the room
ratePlan cancelPolicyIndicator
The cancel policy indicators Eg: refundable
ratePlan code *
This attribute contains the room contract details
ratePlan isPackage
Shows if the room rate is a package.
ratePlan fixedCombo *
Shows room selection is combined or flexible.
ratePlan combinePolicy *
Shows if cancellation policy is combined or roomwise.
ratePlan inclusions
Room inclusion details Eg: ["Free Wifi", "Free pool"]
ratePlan rateType
Contains rate type Eg: Retail/Corporate
ratePlan gstAssured
This indicated that available room hotel is GST assured and you can make request for GST invoices
ratePlan lastCancellationDate
Indicates last cancellation date
roomRate (JsonObject) *
roomRate currency*
Contains selling currency room price
roomRate netAmount*
Selling price of a room.
supplierAdditionalFareInfo (JsonObject)
Not released yet
supplierAdditionalFareInfo currency

Not released yet
supplierAdditionalFareInfo discount

Not released yet
supplierAdditionalFareInfo publishedFare

Not released yet
supplierAdditionalFareInfo commissionEarned

Not released yet
supplierAdditionalFareInfo offeredFare

Not released yet
supplierAdditionalFareInfo tdsOnCommission

Not released yet
supplierAdditionalFareInfo serviceFee

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo (JsonObject)
Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo transactionFeeEarned

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo tdsOnCommission

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo commissionEarned

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo markupEarned

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo discount

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo vat

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo cgst

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo sgst

Not released yet
customerAdditionalFareInfo igst

Not released yet
taxes (JsonArray)
tax (JsonObject)
tax name
Tax name
tax amount
Tax amount
tax included
Shows if the tax is included in the room rate or not.
rates (JsonArray) *
rate (JsonObject)
rate name *
Name of the rate Eg: daily rates
rate amount *
Rate amount
rate from*
Start date of room rate.
rate to *
End date of room rate.
rate rateIndex *
Rate number
offers (JsonArray)
offer (JsonObject)
offer code
Offer Code
offer name
Offer name
offer from
Start date from that date offer will apply
offer to
End date where the offer will expire
offer amount
Offer amount
offer included
indicate that the offer is applied or not
supplements (JsonArray)
supplement (JsonObject)
supplement supplementKey
supplement type
Supplement Type
supplement name
Supplement name
supplement from
Start date from that date supplement will apply
supplement to
End date that the supplement will expire
supplement amount
supplement charges
supplement included
indicate that the supplement is applied or not to given room
supplement currency
supplement charges currency
financialInfo (JsonObject)
financialInfo tmc
This tag contains supplier owner name.
tmc - Travel Management Company. Eg: VE
financialInfo supplier
Name of the supplier
payment (JsonObject)
payment paymentTypes
Payment types Eg: CARD,CR
payment paymentNetwork
Payment Network Codes
Not released yet
roomCombinations (JsonArray) Room combination 2 dimensional array Eg: [[38_1,38_2],[48_1,48_2]]

Note: Hotel More Room Response is same as hotel search response

hotel more room response
  "meta": {
    "success": true,
    "statusCode": "",
    "statusMessage": "",
    "additionalProperties": [
        "key": "timeStamp",
        "value": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SST",
        "description": "description"
        "key": "serverKey",
        "value": "Server01",
        "description": "description"
    "actionType": "",
    "conversationId": "fe22cb8d-67e9-4c29-92af-e44dffdcb9a9"
  "warnings": [
      "code": "validation_required",
      "documentationUrl": "api-doc/docs/troubleshoot/api-error-codes/index.html",
      "message": "Check In Time' can't be blank",
      "value": "Check In Time might be changed"
  "errors": [
      "code": "validation_required",
      "documentationUrl": "api-doc/docs/troubleshoot/api-error-codes/index.html",
      "message": "Field 'City' can't be blank",
      "value": "Field 'City' can't be blank",
      "source": {
        "field": "City",
        "pointer": "/HotelSearchCriteria/city"
      "title": "Required field",
      "type": "validation_error"
  "commonData": {
    "searchKey": "260d6c37-ab74-4331-9fdc-a9d42a5b55a6",
    "culture": "en"
  "data": [
      "hotelKey": "fb0920a8-70b8-433a-a8e2-a8e32efeae5640htr00000000",
      "roomSelectionRules": [
      "rooms": [
          "roomKey": "fb0920a8-70b8-433a-a8e2-a8e32efeae5640htr00000001rcmb00000000",
          "roomIndex": "1",
          "roomId": "38_1",
          "ruleInfo": "38",
          "roomTypeName": "standard",
          "roomTypeDesc": "standard",
          "bedType": "double",
          "roomView": "mountainView",
          "maxOccupancy": 2,
          "sizeMeasurement": "275Sqm",
          "passengerData": {
            "isEmailId": true,
            "isPAN": true,
            "isPassport": true,
            "isPhoneNo": true
          "roomImages": {
            "image": [
                "order": 1,
                "type": "Room",
                "description": "Room",
                "path": ""
                "order": 2,
                "type": "Room",
                "description": "Room",
                "path": ""
          "ratePlan": {
            "supplierCode": "1",
            "meal": "roomOnly",
            "availableStatus": "available",
            "cancelPolicyIndicator": "refundable",
            "code": "76-1360717",
            "isPackage": false,
            "fixedCombo": true,
            "combinePolicy": false,
            "inclusions": [
              "Free Wifi",
              "Free pool"
            "rateType": "retail",
            "gstAssured": false,
            "lastCancellationDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "additionalProperties": [
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
          "roomRate": {
            "supplierAdditionalFareInfo": {
              "currency": "AED",
              "discount": 0,
              "publishedFare": 5184,
              "commissionEarned": 74.36,
              "offeredFare": 5109.64,
              "tdsOnCommission": 3.72,
              "serviceFee": 0,
              "additionalProperties": [
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
            "customerAdditionalFareInfo": {
              "transactionFeeEarned": 5184,
              "tdsOnCommission": 3.72,
              "commissionEarned": 74.36,
              "markupEarned": 20,
              "discount": 0,
              "vat": 0,
              "cgst": 0,
              "sgst": 0,
              "igst": 0,
              "additionalProperties": [
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
            "taxes": [
                "name": "VAT on NT & TF",
                "amount": 54.45,
                "included": true
            "rates": [
                "name": "daily rates",
                "amount": 1889.635,
                "from": "YYYY-MM-DD",
                "rateIndex": "1",
                "to": "YYYY-MM-DD"
            "currency": "INR",
            "netAmount": 1889.635,
            "additionalProperties": [
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
          "offers": [
              "code": "9002",
              "name": "earlyBookingDiscount",
              "from": "YYYY-MM-DD",
              "to": "YYYY-MM-DD",
              "amount": 19.86,
              "included": true,
              "additionalProperties": [
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
          "supplements": [
              "supplementKey": "ABFJKHEJHBMNSDFH",
              "type": "mandatory",
              "name": "testSupplement-1",
              "from": "YYYY-MM-DD",
              "to": "YYYY-MM-DD",
              "amount": 10,
              "included": true,
              "currency": "usd",
              "additionalProperties": [
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
              "supplementKey": "ergerhrth",
              "type": "optional",
              "name": "testSupplement-1",
              "from": "YYYY-MM-DD",
              "to": "YYYY-MM-DD",
              "amount": 10,
              "included": false,
              "currency": "usd",
              "additionalProperties": [
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
                  "key": "key1",
                  "value": "value1",
                  "description": "description"
          "rateNotes": "Please note that Three Bedroom Residence is located in The Residence Building.",
          "financialInfo": {
            "tmc": "VE",
            "supplier": "Hotelbed",
            "payment": {
              "paymentTypes": "CARD,CR",
              "paymentNetwork": "DS,CA,DC,VI,AX"
            "additionalProperties": [
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
                "key": "key1",
                "value": "value1",
                "description": "description"
          "additionalProperties": [
              "key": "key1",
              "value": "value1",
              "description": "description"
              "key": "key1",
              "value": "value1",
              "description": "description"
      "roomCombinations": [