API Error Codes
HTTP Error Codes
Travlinq uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests.
Code | Reason | Description |
200 | OK | The request was successful |
201 | Created | The request was successful, and a new resource was created |
204 | No Content | The request was successful, but there is no response to send back |
400 | Bad Request | The request was invalid, for example due to missing headers |
401 | Unauthorized | An access token wasn't provided, or the provided token was invalid |
403 | Forbidden | A valid access token was provided, but it didn't have sufficient permissions |
404 | Not Found | The response type you requested with your Accept header isn't supported |
406 | Not Acceptable | The requested resource doesn't exist |
422 | Un-processable Entity | A validation error occurred |
429 | Too Many Requests | You made too many requests to the API in a short period of time |
500 | Internal Server Error | Something went wrong. Please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. You should not retry this request. |
502 | Bad Gateway | Bad gateway error. Please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. You should not retry this request. |
503 | Service Unavailable | There is a temporary issue with the server. If the error persists please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. Please retry later. |
504 | Gateway Timeout | Gateway timeout error. If the error persists please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. Please retry later. |
Gateway Error Codes
Gateway response error codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests.
Code | Reason | Description |
403 | Access Denied | A valid access token(X-API-KEY) was provided, but it didn't have sufficient permissions |
500 | API Configuration Error, Authorizer Configuration Error, Authorizer Failure, Default 5XX |
Something went wrong. Please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. You should not retry this request. |
400 | Bad Request Body, Bad Request Parameters |
The request was invalid, for example due to missing headers. |
403 | Expired Token | A valid access token(X-API-KEY) was provided, but it is already expired. |
504 | Integration Failure, Integration Timeout |
Gateway timeout error. If the error persists please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. Please retry later |
403 | Invalid API Key, Invalid Signature, Missing-Authentication Token |
Provided access token(X-API-KEY) is missing or invalid |
429 | Quota Exceeded, Throttled |
You made too many requests to the API in a short period of time |
413 | Request Too Large | The request entity is larger than limits defined by server |
401 | Unauthorized | An access token wasn't provided, or the provided token was invalid |
404 | Resource Not Found, Default 4XX |
The server cannot find the requested resource or The response type you requested with your Accept header isn't supported |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | The server refuses to accept the request because the payload format is in an unsupported format |
403 | WAF Filtered | A client is forbidden from accessing a valid URL. The server understands the request, but it can't fulfill the request |
API Error Codes
The standard own error codes have been defined in Travlinq to indicate the backend errors.
Code | Type | Description |
INT-001 | INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal server error, Please retry again or please contact the system administrator |
INT-002 | INTERNAL_ERROR | Backend service not ready, please wait a moment and try again. If you facing this continuously. Please contact system administrator |
INT-003 | INTERNAL_ERROR | Error while handling asynchronous flow. Please try again |
VAL-001 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Login is failed. Please try again with valid credentials. |
VAL-002 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Authentication failed. The sessionId is expired or Make sure you are using valid sessionId in header. |
VAL-003 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Retrieve id not found or already expired. Make sure you are using correct retrieveId. |
VAL-004 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Invalid data found in the request parameters, Please correct them with proper values and try again. |
VAL-005 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Seems your fetching request retrieve id is not match with the original request. Please use the URL provided by the original request. |
VAL-006 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Unable to find the booking, Please check the booking reference. |
VAL-007 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Ancillaries are not supported for current booking status. |
VAL-007 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Request date format is incorrect. |
VAL-007 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Invalid passenger count in search criteria. |
VAL-010 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Mandatory fields are empty. |
VAL-011 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Transaction amount is incorrect. |
VAL-012 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Invalid passengerKey selected, please change the criteria and try again. |
VAL-013 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Invalid nationality selected, please change the criteria and try again. |
VAL-014 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Invalid country selected, please change the criteria and try again. |
VAL-015 | VALIDATION_ERROR | You are not allowed to send this request. |
VAL-016 | VALIDATION_ERROR | You are not allowed to access this resource. |
INF-001 | INFORMATIONAL | Request in progress, wait for few seconds and try again. |
INF-002 | INFORMATIONAL | No available results found, please change the criteria and try again. |
INF-003 | INFORMATIONAL | Request is not successful, please change the criteria and try again or contact system support team. |
All schema level validations are given below.
Please find product level Errors from below;