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API Error Codes

HTTP Error Codes

Travlinq uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests.

Code Reason Description
200 OK The request was successful
201 Created The request was successful, and a new resource was created
204 No Content The request was successful, but there is no response to send back
400 Bad Request The request was invalid, for example due to missing headers
401 Unauthorized An access token wasn't provided, or the provided token was invalid
403 Forbidden A valid access token was provided, but it didn't have sufficient permissions
404 Not Found The response type you requested with your Accept header isn't supported
406 Not Acceptable The requested resource doesn't exist
422 Un-processable Entity A validation error occurred
429 Too Many Requests You made too many requests to the API in a short period of time
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong. Please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. You should not retry this request.
502 Bad Gateway Bad gateway error. Please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. You should not retry this request.
503 Service Unavailable There is a temporary issue with the server. If the error persists please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. Please retry later.
504 Gateway Timeout Gateway timeout error. If the error persists please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. Please retry later.

Gateway Error Codes

Gateway response error codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests.

Code Reason Description
403 Access Denied A valid access token(X-API-KEY) was provided, but it didn't have sufficient permissions
500 API Configuration Error,
Authorizer Configuration Error,
Authorizer Failure,
Default 5XX
Something went wrong. Please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. You should not retry this request.
400 Bad Request Body,
Bad Request Parameters
The request was invalid, for example due to missing headers.
403 Expired Token A valid access token(X-API-KEY) was provided, but it is already expired.
504 Integration Failure,
Integration Timeout
Gateway timeout error. If the error persists please contact our support team and attach the request_id to your message. Please retry later
403 Invalid API Key,
Invalid Signature,
Missing-Authentication Token
Provided access token(X-API-KEY) is missing or invalid
429 Quota Exceeded,
You made too many requests to the API in a short period of time
413 Request Too Large The request entity is larger than limits defined by server
401 Unauthorized An access token wasn't provided, or the provided token was invalid
404 Resource Not Found,
Default 4XX
The server cannot find the requested resource or The response type you requested with your Accept header isn't supported
415 Unsupported Media Type The server refuses to accept the request because the payload format is in an unsupported format
403 WAF Filtered A client is forbidden from accessing a valid URL. The server understands the request, but it can't fulfill the request

API Error Codes

The standard own error codes have been defined in Travlinq to indicate the backend errors.

Code Type Description
INT-001 INTERNAL_ERROR Internal server error, Please retry again or please contact the system administrator
INT-002 INTERNAL_ERROR Backend service not ready, please wait a moment and try again. If you facing this continuously. Please contact system administrator
INT-003 INTERNAL_ERROR Error while handling asynchronous flow. Please try again
VAL-001 VALIDATION_ERROR Login is failed. Please try again with valid credentials.
VAL-002 VALIDATION_ERROR Authentication failed. The sessionId is expired or Make sure you are using valid sessionId in header.
VAL-003 VALIDATION_ERROR Retrieve id not found or already expired. Make sure you are using correct retrieveId.
VAL-004 VALIDATION_ERROR Invalid data found in the request parameters, Please correct them with proper values and try again.
VAL-005 VALIDATION_ERROR Seems your fetching request retrieve id is not match with the original request. Please use the URL provided by the original request.
VAL-006 VALIDATION_ERROR Unable to find the booking, Please check the booking reference.
VAL-007 VALIDATION_ERROR Ancillaries are not supported for current booking status.
VAL-007 VALIDATION_ERROR Request date format is incorrect.
VAL-007 VALIDATION_ERROR Invalid passenger count in search criteria.
VAL-010 VALIDATION_ERROR Mandatory fields are empty.
VAL-011 VALIDATION_ERROR Transaction amount is incorrect.
VAL-012 VALIDATION_ERROR Invalid passengerKey selected, please change the criteria and try again.
VAL-013 VALIDATION_ERROR Invalid nationality selected, please change the criteria and try again.
VAL-014 VALIDATION_ERROR Invalid country selected, please change the criteria and try again.
VAL-015 VALIDATION_ERROR You are not allowed to send this request.
VAL-016 VALIDATION_ERROR You are not allowed to access this resource.
INF-001 INFORMATIONAL Request in progress, wait for few seconds and try again.
INF-002 INFORMATIONAL No available results found, please change the criteria and try again.
INF-003 INFORMATIONAL Request is not successful, please change the criteria and try again or contact system support team.

All schema level validations are given below.

Schema Validation

Please find product level Errors from below;

Hotel Error Codes
Flight Error Codes
Car Error Codes

[```Visa Error Codes```](../services/visa/